Picture of the month

Picture of the month
Sunrise in Thailand

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Image Posting From Dusk to Dawn. Photography Workshop SIngapore

Thank you for those who submitted the images in October from Dusk to Dawn. The challenges were how to make good use of the changing light  and the ability to work in low lighting conditions.

1) Timing is very important. Take different sunsets at various stages. If it was too early, the sky would be too bright. If it was too late, it will be all black . Both cases were not very exciting at all. Get them right. Get it when there is a drama in the sky. That drama will catch the attention.

2) Exposure challenges. Meter near the sun but not including the sun. That is how we start basing the exposure on. Change metering from Multi-pattern to spot metering. Use the AEL button when in need.

3) Keep the composition interesting. The sunset by itself will not be interesting enough. Look for iconic building or foreground to accompany the sunset. Let's give it a try again.

Next month we will work on Christmas lighting.

1 comment:

  1. This is an interesting link about how to shoot at night with low light.

